Giving Wings to the Atom
Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion

NEPA and GE 1946-1961
Unofficial Archives
Giving Wings to the Atom - Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion - NEPA and GE 1946-1961 - Unofficial Archives

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T-shirt from the 40th reunion

1996 45th -1       1996 45th -2

1996  Banquet          1997   


1997             1998  50th


1999                  2000


2001 50th            2002


2003                2004


2005              2006   55th


2007               2008


Former ANP employee George Pomeroy provided declassified archives and historian Lee Hite em@il of Cincinnati, Ohio, provides the website.

All documents on this website have been officially released in writing to the public domain by GE Legal and the Department of Energy.