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From 9-1-1
Museums Directory - Cincinnati, OH
90 Cincinnati Museums
50 Historical Societies
Lies, Spies
and Secrets:
Hidden History of Cincinnati Radio
How Powel Crosley, Jr. Cincinnati shortwave radio station,
WLWO, became the American worldwide spy network connection. Using an unbreakable code then and today, the US
intelligence agency used Cincinnati to move secret messages
around the world.
Why a Dead Alkaline Battery Bounces
By Leland L. HiteThis test works equally well for AA,
AAA, C, D and 9 Volt alkaline batteries.
How to
Eliminate Unintended Delays
We Can Cause an Emergency Responder
Video from
Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion ANP
We provide STEM grants to the Greater
Cincinnati area schools. We strive to provide assistance
so students may better understand the field of
science, technology, engineering and math.
Not eligible are sectarian, political, fraternal,
labor or commercial organizations.
STEM Grants for
Greater Cincinnati Elementary and High School Student Groups.
The Engineers and Scientists Foundation of Cincinnati, ESFC, was established in 1983 as a Section 501 (c) (3) non profit organization so donations from ESC (Engineers and Scientists of Cincinnati) would be tax deductible. Our administrative cost is less than ½ percent of revenues.
How Time Balls Worked
Featuring The Cincinnati
Birthplace of American Astronomy,
3.6 MB, PDF
By Leland L. Hite
Video review for over 200 Worldwide Time Balls
Time Signaling from Balls, Guns and Flaps
Did your great-grandfather drop the ball? Perhaps he watched it drop!
How was time was decided in the Greater Cincinnati area before radio signals, telegraphy, or other electronic methods. Preserving our global heritage for signaling time, prior to modern electronic methods, were time balls, time guns and time flaps that synchronized with the local astronomical observatory. First dropped in 1829 at Portsmouth, England, they remain today an ornamental and educational attraction in many locations around the world.
The Hieronymus Hoax:
Radionics, the Miraculous Pathoclast, and Deception
By Leland L. Hite, 9.5 MB, PDF
Becoming desperate for a solution to a medical condition
can cause irrational people to embrace alternate medical
solutions that others consider the work of quacksalvers. This
investigation into the Pathoclast discovers a surprising answer
for why people would endorse treatment from a device that
doesn't work for a disease they don't have. Read how the hoax
Steps to Better Home and Vehicle Safety
1.2 MB, PDF
By Leland L. Hite
For any homeowner ranging from the person who says,
"I didn't know I needed to know that to the expert who occasionally
wants a reminder."
Are Headstones
Arranged In Circles
The traditional configuration of facing the headstone along an east west axis and positioning the body with the head pointing west, thereby allowing the feet to see the rising sun, was not followed with this pattern; instead, the wheel pattern was used, but why? Formerly named Why Headstones Are Arranged In Circles.
of Tedford Crystal Labs Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio
By: Leland L. Hite
Dodge's Institute to Valpo Tech
By: Leland L. Hite, 3.3 MB, PDF
Dodges Institute of Telegraphy (DIT) began in December 1873 and became the largest school of its kind in the Western Hemisphere. The institute evolved into wireless telegraphy and courses in radio technology were added to the curriculum.
In 1944, DIT was renamed Valparaiso Technical Institute (Valpo Tech or VTI). Rated among the top 10 such educational organizations in the world, Valpo Tech became the oldest electronic institute in the country. The school celebrated its final graduation on May 25, 1990, and closed its doors after the January 1991 graduation.
How To Throw A May Basket
Northwest Ohio Style
By: Leland L. Hite, 200 KB, PDF
If your goal was to meet that special girl or guy, you would throw a May Basket on the apple of your eye. When you wanted to gather a group of friends for a party, you might throw a May Basket. Often, you wanted to recognize that special person for doing well, and throwing a May Basket was an appropriate recognition.
There's A Limelight Mystery Afoot
What is it? PDF
Used at the Cincinnati Water Works.
Everything to do with lime.
Nothing to do with water.
In public with a female nude.
Thrives on oxygen and hydrogen.
Lightning Safety Guidelines and Event Safety Plan
By: Leland L. Hite, 80 KB, PDF
If you can see lightning or
hear thunder, you are in danger!
While your chance of being struck by lightning in your lifetime is estimated at 1 in 5,000, it is much better than winning the lottery. Participating in high-risk outdoor activities when lightning approaches can increase your odds of a lightning experience. You can significantly reduce your risk by practicing these guidelines.
These guidelines are from classroom handouts provided during continuing education credit classes for lighting safety, by Electrical Engineer, Leland L. Hite.
YES: it's okay to ask your outdoor event planners about their event safety plan for lightning.
ASK: The Coach, The Referee, The Umpire, The Administrators, The Parents, The Event Planner, or the Sponsor.
Obed Hussey and His
Ohio Test of the First Successful Reaper
Robert T. Rhode
and Leland Hite, 40 MB, PDF
Our work breaks new ground on an event that was of tremendous importance to the world: the testing of the first successful reaping machine, which revolutionized agriculture globally in the nineteenth century and started farming down the path toward industrialization. That test, with its far-reaching consequences, took place near Mt. Healthy, Ohio, in 1835. Even though books and articles from the 1800s and early 1900s noted the achievement, it has been largely overlooked in our time, and it has never been fully researched and described. Bob and I made it our mission to investigate the matter thoroughly. Over the past year, we discovered many surprising facts that had been forgotten or that had never been brought to light.
This article was originally published in the October-November 2014 edition of Engineers and. Engines Magazine, and posted here with permission from the publisher.
The First Cable Suspension Bridge Built in Ohio
By Robert T. Rhode and Leland Hite, 5.6
On the 12th of December (2014), Leland Hite and Robert T. Rhode, acting on behalf of the Mt. Healthy Historical Society, recovered the last remaining component of the first cable suspension bridge built in Ohio. The 167-year-old iron tripod was one of four that had supported the cables of the 42′ bridge crossing the West Branch of Mill Creek near Mt. Healthy. Built in 1847, the footbridge on the Lane family farm was the brainchild of William Lane, brother of Clark Lane, the noted industrialist whose company of Owens, Lane and Dyer manufactured steam engines and sawmills in Hamilton, Ohio. The ingenious bridge was one of the first suspension bridges in the United States.
Vegetarian Cookbook by Neva Hite
From The Ship Shape Sharp Shop, by Ersal Kindle
Berea College Symposiums,
May and June, 1985
"A Sharp Tool Is A Safe Tool, has been said many times and I say it again. Not only that but there is joy in using a sharp tool. There is a lot of satisfaction in making smooth clean cuts in a piece of wood, but---this is nearly impossible if the cutting edge is not sharp. So, let's see how we can get and hold a sharp edge. I'll show you one way − the way I do it."
See & Do List - Greater Cincinnati,
340 KB, PDF
By Leland L. Hite
An exhaustive list for Arts and Theater - Golf Courses - Hobbies - Festivals - Museums - Tours, Music and Sports.
Radio and Broadcast Museums
Wireless Assn. Bloomfield, NY
Early Television Museum, Hilliard, OH
Museum of Broadcast Communications, Chicago, IL
Modesto Radio Museum, Modesto, CA
Museum of Radio and Technology, Huntington, WV
Museum of Yesterday (mostly communications)
National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting
New England Wireless and Steam Museum
Radio Boulevard, Western
Historic Radio Museum Virginia City, NV
Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of Connecticut
Ohio Museums Alphabetically 1.2 MB, PDF
Ohio Museums by County, 430 KB, PDF
Indiana Museums Alphabetical, 630 KB, PDF
Kentucky Museums by Region, 310 KB, PDF
About me: I am a retired electronics engineer with a passion for investigating technical issues, occasionally surrounded with mystery and often bridging several fields of technology. Contact me Here.
Unofficial archives for the GE Aircraft Nuclear Program ANP (1950s).
Also available: Wauseon High School Class of 1960 and Pike Township School, Wx Here.